Following the success of the LomoChrome Metropolis 2019, Lomography has created a brand new formula: the LomoChrome Metropolis 2021: an experimental film reworked to bring even bolder colour contrasts, stronger saturation and iconic grain. Unmatched Versatility - The LomoChrome Metropolis brings new perspectives to the analogue world. Take your adventures to a higher level than ever before with its unique extended ISO range of 100-400 and distinctive analogue grain. You'll be able to change the sensitivity whenever you want, as you shoot your film and wander through dimly lit urban dungeons, and the standard C41 development will still remain the same. True to its name, the LomoChrome Metropolis is designed to serve as the foundation for the future of analogue photography. - No Filter Necessary: #NoFilter - Fight back against the tide of fake photographs, posed holiday snaps, the absence of real happiness, carefully crafted spontaneity, countless selfies and empty images devoid of meaning, love or sincerity. Take a deep breath and go back to basics with analogue photography. Rediscover the feeling of surprise, build real connections with your subjects and discover the true value of images. -- Easy to Develop - The LomoChrome Metropolis can be easily developed in almost any photo lab thanks to its standard C-41 development. Regardless of the ISO sensitivity you choose, the development process will remain the same.
110 FILM - 24EXP.
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Store: NShot Verona Item code: IT NSH001 V ART_D000073
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